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Special Collections for the Student Worker

WorldCat for Books is one of the world's largest network of library content and services. lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.

Most of the books and printed materials in Special Collections are cataloged in WorldCat. You're likely familiar with searching Southwestern's main collection through the WorldCat search box on the library home page, but searching only for materials at Southwestern in Special Collections requires some extra searching skills.

In order to limit the search to materials found only in Special Collections, begin your search with the phrase

b8:special collections

You can then search by any of the other search terms, like key word, title, author, or subject. For example, if you were searching the key word for books about children's literature in Special Collections, your search box would look like this:

b8:special collections kw:children's literature

The document below details many ways you can effectively search WorldCat.


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