Peer-reviewed publishing is different from other types of publishing, like books, newspapers, and magazines.
The author is usually a professor or researcher and the article they submit to a journal goes through a rigorous process of review by other experts in their field of study before being published in a journal.
Sometimes, peer-reviewed is also called "scholarly" or "refereed." This distinction can be subtle. You can always ask a librarian for help determining if a source is peer-reviewed or not.
EBSCOhost is the company that creates many of the article databases (like Academic Search Complete and PsychINFO) the library subscribes to.
On the EBSCO search page, look at the options and select Scholarly (peer-reviewed) Journals. Doing this will limit your search to retrieve only those kinds of articles.
After searching for your topic in WorldCat@SU you will want to select peer-reviewed in the left hand column.
TIP: It may seem counterintuitive, but leaving "full text" unchecked will bring back more results, some of which the library can get for you through Get It! if we don't own the item.