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Peer Research Consultants: Academic Search Complete

How to Use Academic Search Complete

Niche Academy: Academic Search Complete Tutorial

Academic Search Complete is a database that is designed specifically for academic institutions. It is a comprehensive, scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,500 full-text periodicals, including 4,600 peer-reviewed journals.

How to Search

Academic Search Complete offers you a number of filter options to sort, expand, narrow, cite, and save your results.

  • Enter search terms into boxes.  Choose Boolean operators from drop down boxes if needed. Run your search
  • You can choose filters for your search from this screen, or you can run the search and then filter the results.

Filter Search Results:

  • The results are sorted by relevance.  You can also sort by date (oldest - newest), author, and source.
  • Limit To: Smith Library Holdings, Full Text, References Available
  • Source Type - select academic journals for peer-reviewed articles
  • Subject
  • And more!

To Find Out More About the Item:

  • Click the title to view an item
  • Within the record you can see all the details-author, source, document type, keywords, subject headings.
  • Keywords and subject headings are useful because they link to other similar resources.
  • Abstract-if included gives an overview of what is in the article
  • Tools-right side of page
    • Add to OneDrive or Google Drive
    • Print, email, save
    • Cite
    • Export, create note
    • Permalink-use this link to the article so you can get back to it.
    • Listen and translate


Basic Search

Academic Search Complete - Basic (2021) from UCI Libraries Education+Outreach on Vimeo.

Video courtesy of University of California Irvine Libraries

Academic Search Complete

Video courtesy of the Indian River State College Libraries

Search Tips

Search tips in Academic Search Complete (2023) from UCI Libraries Education+Outreach on Vimeo.

Video courtesy of University of California Irvine Libraries