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Student Organization Records Guide: Start Here

Learn how to preserve your student organization's history


The Student Organization Records Guide is designed to assist student organizations in developing their record keeping practices to preserve their group’s history by identifying significant records and those that can be discarded. Archiving student organizations' records is aimed at the continuation of Southwestern University's history and memory. 

Why we're doing this

In Special Collections, we create physical and virtual spaces to experience the history of Southwestern University and Texas. One of the ways we maintain this heritage of the printed and written word is through our student organizations. Their influence continues to shape the campus culture by giving numerous opportunities for involvement outside of the classroom. They represent interests ranging from student legislation and social activism to literary publications and Greek Life. Here, you can find guidelines on how to document your student organizations’ activities while on campus. 

If your organization is not interested in archiving your records or keeping long-term storage, we would love for you to donate to Special Collections. While it is up to your organization, we understand that student orgs may not have the time nor space to house materials indefinitely. Whatever the case, Special Collections is available to help students document and preserve the University’s history. 

Why to archive your records

As part of the A. Frank Smith, Jr. Library, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the general public are encouraged to visit and utilize the resources. We have many opportunities for learning and research that engage users which is why adding student organizations’ new material would greatly benefit not just the University, but members of Georgetown as well.

Preserving our history on campus contributes to a larger goal of spreading awareness of even the common comings and goings of student life. You never know what will “make history” down the road, but with archiving your records now, you can do exactly that. It’s like creating a time capsule, except you can open it whenever you want. 

If you don’t feel like archiving your own records, talk to Special Collections. We are happy to take the materials and store them in the University Archives. Learn more at: Donate to Spec Coll

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