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Mesoamerican & Andean Art

Research aid for students in Prof. Patrick Hajovsky's classes at Southwestern University


Finding articles and resources on Pre-Columbian art can be tricky - you need a multi-pronged approach.

Note that some resources listed here apply only to Mesoamerican or Andean art, and some cover both.

Look for:

  • sources from a variety of subjects: art history, anthropology, Latin American studies, and more
  • different types of materials: online journal articles databases, art image databases, print journals, books, and reference sources

This LibGuide will provide you with tools and instructions for navigating the SLC's resources, both online and in print, on this subject.



Image from the Fine Arts Library at the University of Texas Austin,

Writer's Corner

Helpful resources:

Debby Ellis Writing Center and its Guide For Writing in Art History

Sylvan Barnet. A Short Guide to Writing about Art, Prentice Hall, 2011.

- Useful, in-depth guide to visual analysis, with copious examples of this skill upon well-known art works. Discusses the different ways in which artists, art historians, and critics engage with, and write about art.

Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing, W.W. Norton & Company, 2010.

-General guide to engaging with academic discourse and referencing other authors' works in your writing. Provides examples and exercises for using key words in academic writing.