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Mathematics and Computer Science Subject Guide: Indexes and Databases

Resources for your Math & Computer Science research at the Smith Library Center and on the Web.

About indexes and databases

Indexes and databases are used to find periodical articles about your topic. Some also contain images, archival documents, or other materials.

The library subscribes to over 100 online databases that index topics in a variety of disciplines. Many of them contain links to full text of the articles, and allow you to read and/or print the article immediately. You can find a full list of available databases on our Databases A-Z and Databases by Subject pages.  

A few indexes are only available in print - look for these in the Reference section of the Smith Library Center.

Where's the full text?

Once you have found a citation for a useful article in an index or database, where can you view the full text of the article?

  • Check to see if the full-text is available in the database you are using.
  • Check the link to Online Journals on the library's home page. Type in the title of the journal you want, to find out if the full-text is available in other databases.
  • Check Voyager to see if we have the journal in print or on microfilm.
  • If you can't find the article in any of these sources, you can request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.

Selected indexes and databases

Academic Search Complete
A multi-disciplinary, full text database designed specifically for academic institutions that includes full text for over 2,940 scholarly publications abstracts and indexing for nearly 3,930 scholarly journals with many dating back to 1984. Full-page images, as well as color embedded images are included. Through EBSCOhost

arXiv (
Provided by Cornell University, this database provides open access to at least 593,662 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. 

Features 200 scientific, technical, and medical full-text journals from Academic Press. The articles are displayed in Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format), and the tables of contents and abstracts in HTML. The system includes a robust search engine for searching by various fields. IDEAL contains over 80,000 articles with 2000 more added every month. Requires Adobe Acrobat software. For Southwestern community only.*

A unique database that contains the complete full-image backfiles of a core group of scholarly journals. Titles include American Mathematical Monthly (1894-1993), Annals of Mathematics (1884-1993), Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936-1994), Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1988-1993), Mathematics of Computation (1943-1993), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-1993), Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics (1953-1993), Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis (1964-1993), Siam Review (1959-1993), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (1900-1993) and soon the American Journal of Mathematics. For Southwestern community only.*

A searchable web database providing access to over 58 years of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications (from 1940 to the present). Full-text reviews of articles and books that contain new contributions to mathematical research are provided. For Southwestern community only.

Computer Source
Computer Source provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. This database offers full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications.


Internet and Personal Computing Abstracts
Provides abstracts and indexing for literature related to personal computing products and developments in business, the Internet, the home, and all other applied areas. Over 400 of the most important trade publications, mainstream computer magazines, and professional journals are covered, including those that focus on specific topics such as Macintosh and Windows platforms, programming, web development and more. 

This link provides access to over 1,800 full-text journals focusing on the areas of Behavioral Sciences; Biomedical & Life Sciences; Business & Economics; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth & Environmental Science; Humanities, Social Sciences & Law; Mathematics & Statistics; and Physics & Astronomy. Most content begins with 1997 and continues to the most recent issue.

Subject Guide

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Hong Yu
Smith Library Center Room 121

(512) 863-1551