Voyager is the library's online catalog. Search it to find out what books, e-books, videos, DVD's, CD's and more are available in our library.
A Keyword search on your topic will look for your search term in the entire bibliographic record for an item -- title, author, subject, chapter titles, etc.
You can refine your keyword search using these tips:
- use quotes to search phrases: "mathematics",
- use + to mark essential terms: +calculus,
- use * to mark important terms: *programming,
- use ? to truncate: compu?
Using the "Limit To" menu, you can limit your search to films, audio, musical scores, the e-book collection, items from the last 10 years, and more.
Once you have found a source that you like, look at the hyperlinked subject headings at the bottom of the electronic catalog record to determine the best terms to use in a subject search for further materials. The terminology used in subject headings may not be intuitive, so always ask a librarian for help if you are not finding what you need. A few examples of subject headings related to Math and Computer Science are below.
Computer networks - Security measures
Computer science - Mathematics
The library's collection spans all three floors of the building, with the Main (circulating) collection split among the three floors by call number:
000-199 First Floor
200-699 Second Floor
700-999 Third Floor
For more details about location of materials or services in the building, go to the Services, Collections and Locations page.
If you don't find exactly the right book at our library and want to see what is available at other libraries across the country, search WorldCat.
You can request books that our library does not already own through Interlibrary Loan. Allow extra time, up to two weeks, for the books to be delivered.
Or you can identify books in other libraries that you can travel to. You may want to obtain a TexShare card, which will allow you to borrow books yourself at other Texas libraries. Ask for more information at the library's Circulation Desk if you are interested in a TexShare card.