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Philosophy: Additional Resources

An introduction to useful print and online resources for Philosophy at Smith Library Center.

Websites to Explore

  • American Philosophical Association: The American Philosophical Association was founded in 1900 to promote the exchange of ideas among philosophers, to encourage creative and scholarly activity in philosophy, to facilitate the professional work and teaching of philosophers, and to represent philosophy as a discipline.
  • Ethics Updates: Designed primarily to be used by ethics instructors and their students. It is intended to provide resources and updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to ethics.
  • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Founded in 1995 to provide open access to detailed, scholarly, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.
  • IPL Philosophy Subject Guide : Internet Public Library Philosophy Resources.  Varied materials for Western and Eastern philosophy.
  • Perseus Digital Library: A digital library of full text resources for the study of the ancient world and beyond.

Open Access Resources