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Generative AI: Prompting

What is Prompting?

A prompt is a set of instructions for a language model to perform a task. Tasks can take many forms, including text generation, image creation, translation, summarizing, writing, etc. A prompt might consist of a few words, a single sentence, or extended paragraphs.  The way prompt has a huge impact on the quality of the results you receive.

When crafting a prompt:

  • Use plain English and specify what you want the tool to do.
  • Providing background information, context, or examples can be helpful.
  • Divide a complex concept into more minor prompts.
  • Ask ChatGPT to ACT AS AN EXPERT to explain a complex concept step by step.
  • If you want to change to an unrelated topic, click NEW CHAT. But if you want to keep the previous conversations together in one chat, you could use a prompt like "Ignore the previous conversations. Let me ask you a new question."
  • Choose an output format. In addition to paragraphs it can give you a table, a bulleted list, ascii art, multiple choice quiz questions, emojis, computer code, and more.

Tips for Writing AI Prompts

Crafting a well-formulated and specific prompt to interact with Generative AI can improve your results.  Guidelines from the CLEAR Framework for Prompt Engineering provide these things to include and consider when crafting a prompt:

  • Concise-brevity and clarity in prompts
  • Logical - structured and coherent
  • Explicit - clear output specifications
  • Adaptive - flexibility and customization
  • Reflective - continuous evaluation and improvement

Source: Lo, Leo S. “The CLEAR Path: A Framework for Enhancing Information Literacy through Prompt Engineering.” Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 49, no. 4, July 2023, p. N.PAG. EBSCOhost,

Prompt Writing Examples

Below are examples of AI prompts an instructor might use in their teaching.  The effectiveness of prompts may vary based on the specific AI model, context, and platform you're using. Flexibility, experimentation, and ongoing refinement are key aspects of mastering the art of prompt writing. Click on the example to view the prompt and output in ChatGPT.