Items in Zotero libraries can be organized with collections and tags. For more information and advanced options, please visit the Zotero Collections & Tags webpage.
Collections are a great way to organize your Zotero library into smaller, more manageable components. You can create and use collections however it makes most sense to you: by topic, by project, or by class. For larger projects, you can also create subcollections. A resource can also be in more than one collection at a time.
To Create a Collection:
Tags are keywords you can assign to items. They can be anything you like—most often they're used to describe the topics an item is about, but some users have also used them to mark the status of an item (e.g., read or unread), assign responsibility (e.g., in a shared group library), or even just to color-code it.
To tag an item:
Bibliographic information, like author, journal title, page number, etc. can be found in the 'Info' tab on the right. This includes the title, author, and publication year. By clicking on any field you can change the information or add to it. The only fields you cannot edit under 'Info' are 'Date Added' and 'Modified'.