Specifically Spanish databases:
Interdisciplinary databases:
All of SLC's databases can be found on Databases A-Z
Complete your research by correctly citing all your sources. MLA is the style and citation guide to use for this class.
OWL: Purdue Online Writing Lab: MLA General Format, for the basics of MLA style. Includes a citation generator. For the most complete and authoritative information use the Handbook, available in the Research Commons and on Reserve.
Also see the MLA tab on SLC's Research Hub: Citations page.
Another good tip is to book an appointment with the Debby Ellis Writing Center to check your citations and bibliography formatting.
Hey Capstone Students! Items you check out from Smith Library Center for your capstone can be borrowed for the entire semester. Be sure to alert the InfoDesk assistant when checking out an item for your capstone, and we will extend the due date.
Get It! interlibrary loan items are subject to the due date set by the lending library and are not eligible for extended borrowing privileges.
TIP: Create a list of words or concepts related to your topic and use them to search WorldCat@SU. Search results will include books, media, articles and more. To see just books, use the Search Tools and limit Format to "Books."
You may narrow the results even further by choosing between "print" books and eBooks.
We have many Spanish-language materials in our collections. Select "Spanish" on the left side of the search screen to limit your results to materials in that language. Ask a librarian for help if you need it.
Subject headings that may be helpful:
Latin America, Collective memory, Memory- Social aspects, Collective memory in literature, Nationalism and collective memory, Memorialization, Monuments, Memory- Political aspects, Group identity- Latin America, Collective memory
If you find a book, article, or other item that isn't in our collection, you can request it through Get It!. Our library will determine if we can borrow the item from another library on your behalf. Article or book chapter requests can be pretty quick, coming as a pdf to your inbox. A book loan will take longer. Plan ahead to give yourself enough time.
The Benson Latin American Collection at UT Austin is one of the premier libraries in the world focused on Latin America and Latinx Studies, excelling in humanities and social sciences, in addition to an array of scientific and professional literature published in Latin America. Its holdings include nearly a million books, magazines, newspapers, journals and other materials
To borrow books directly from UT:
In addition to borrowing books, you can search UT's databases while you are at PCL, but are limited to one 60-minute session per day. You will not be able to access UT's databases from outside the library.