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FYS Tuning the Hemispheres- Music and the Brain: Start Here

Where to Find Scholarly Sources

The databases featured in this box are particularly useful for this class. You can learn more about databases on the Research Hub's Databases tab.

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Books & eBooks at Smith Library Center

Searching for Information

Think about keywords related to your topic in general, or a specific aspect, context, or name of a musician or scientist, to start your search in the library's catalog, WorldCat@SUWhen you find a good item, try the subject heading links to lead to more resources on the topic (click 'view description' to access).

Try some of these subject headings in WorldCat:

Music | Music Therapy | Music Psychological aspects Music Physiological aspects | Brain physiology | Music psychology | Psychoacoustics | Musicology | Music and science | Music Philosophy and aesthetics | Musical perception | Brain physiology | Musical ability | Brain growth & development | Emotions | Brain diagnostic imaging