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Methods in Ecology & Evolution: Overview

Second Half of Methods Course

Eurycea naufragia

By Georgetown Salamander - At Twin Springs preserve on a monthy survey, CC BY-SA 3.0,

"The Georgetown salamander, Eurycea naufragia, is an endemic, spring-dwelling and cave dwelling salamander restricted to the San Gabriel River drainage in central Texas. The species occurs at ca.12 sites and its entire range is within the vicinity of Georgetown, Texas, an area that is undergoing rapid growth and urbanization. The population of Georgetown was 9,468 in 1980 but had increased to 44,398 in 2007 and is projected to reach 84,000 by 2015.

Published research on E. naufragia is limited to the original description of its genetic and morphological characteristics (Chippindale et al., 2000) and general treatments of Eurycea in central Texas (e.g., Chippindale and Price, 2005). Eurycea naufragia has been included as a candidate for listing as endangered (Jones, 2001), but currently is not protected by federal or state regulation. Because of its conservation status, basic information on distribution and ecology is critical for management of the species."

Benjamin A. Pierce, James L. Christiansen, Alexis L. Ritzer, Taylor A. Jones "Ecology of Georgetown Salamanders (Eurycea naufragia) Within the Flow of a Spring," The Southwestern Naturalist, 55(2), 291-297, (1 June 2010)

Image courtesy of By Georgetown Salamander - At Twin Springs preserve on a monthly survey, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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