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FYS Secret Lives of Metaphor: Library Resources

Jim Kilfoyle, English
Making truth : metaphor in science
Aristotle's Ladder, Darwin's Tree
Morning dew and roses : nuance, metaphor, and meaning in folksongs
Politicians and rhetoric : the persuasive power of metaphor
Machine As Metaphor and Tool
The body of Frankenstein's monster : essays in myth and medicine
Thou art that : transforming religious metaphor
The Lay of the Land
On Metaphor
Cold War Rhetoric
Blood read : the vampire as metaphor in contemporary culture

Relevant Databases for The Secret Lives of Metaphor

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Find all our databases at Databases A-Z.


TIP: Clicking this icon will take you back to the Research Hub.

The library's online catalog

MLA Citation Style

Complete your research by correctly citing all your sources. A citation credits the authors / creators of sources you used, and lets your paper's reader locate and verify these sources. MLA is the major style and citation guide in the field of literary studies. 

Purdue OWL -- Online Writing Lab -- covers the basics of MLA formatting and style. For the most complete information, use the Handbook, available in the Research Commons and on Reserve.

Southwestern University Resources