Tip -- Most government agencies publish statistics, and most of these statistics are available online. If you are looking for reputable statistics on a range of topics, official governmental agencies are a good place to start.
Tip -- For data at the state and local level, go to the Texas tab at the top of the guide.
Tip -- Labor statistics can be useful outside of the classroom, too. Check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook for information on potential careers.
Tip -- Aside from government agencies, a number of research societies, like the American Cancer Society, publish valuable statistics.
Tip -- Check out the AGRICOLA database at the SLC for academic articles and statistics on agriculture.
Tip -- The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) publishes a huge range of material. It is probably the best place to begin locating education statistics.
Tip - Many international statistics sites, like the UN, include social issue statistics for the United States on topics ranging from gender issues to poverty.