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FYS Place Called School: Start Here

In support of Dr Michael Kamen's FYS 2020.


Where to Find Scholarly Sources

The databases featured in this box are particularly useful for this class. You can learn more about databases on the Research Hub's Database tab

Find all our databases at Databases A-Z.

Guide to Writing in Education

Citing your work

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TIP: Clicking this icon will take you back to the Research Hub.

Books & ebooks at Smith Library Center

Searching for Information

To start your search in the library's catalog, think about keywords related to education environments, school architecture, or public school buildings

When you find a relevant book, click on the Description to see the subject headings to to find more books on the topic. Also browse the shelf nearby for related titles. Ask your librarian for advanced search tips!


Internet Resources

Here are a few school furniture companies in Texas that I found via Google. While I can't endorse any of these sites, I saw lots of examples of contemporary school desks, tables, chairs, etc. These catalogs can certainly provide you with detailed ideas for your own school design.