WorldCat@SU is the library's online catalog. Use it to identify printed and electronic books that we own as well as videos, CD's, DVD's, and more. If you find an item that we don't own that you need for your research, use Get it! and we will get the item from a library that does own it.
A few examples of select subject headings relevant to this class are below.
Many of the subject headings listed below may also work in library databases as keyword searches. Every database develops its own list of subjects to use.
Ask a librarian for help if you are not finding what you need--it may simply be a matter of using the right vocabulary.
General Multidisciplinary | Medical Anthropology | Anthropology/Sociology | Health/Global Health | Religion | Hispanic Studies | Feminist Studies |
Religion and Philosophy Collection
GenderWatch |
Note: WorldCat@SU only finds a fraction of the articles available through our databases. Databases allow you to search specifically for articles. Not only do databases find more articles, they provide more precise search tools than WorldCat, yielding better results.
Here are a few sites related to your FYS topic for you to explore. Tip: The ending of the URL address may help you identify the sponsor. I have selected commercial sites (.com), some non-profit organizations (.org), and some government departments/agencies (.gov).